Welcome to the first official 2K OLF Off-Season. Thanks to Madden 13 adding free agency period, Rookie Scouting and Draft Trading the league can finally have that true off-season fee we have been waiting for since Madden 10.
Below is the Off-Season schedule which begins today with Stage 1 – Player Resigning. This is your opportunity to take a look at who you think is valuable for your team going into next season and who is simply not a valuable asset.
February 14th Stage 2 – Free Agency Bidding begins. You will be able to bid on as many free agents as you want, as long as it’s within your cap space. The Free Agency bid screen will show what teams have made bids on a player, their overall rating, age, scheme, position and Market Value. To make your offer you simply select the player you want and then on the offer screen you will see what the player desires in order for him to consider signing with your team and also whether or not his play scheme is a good fit for your team.

Free agency bidding will continue through Stage 3,4(in Madden when advancing to stage 3 for some reason it skips stage 3 and goes into stage 4 automatically) at the same time you will be able to scout rookies in preparation for the upcoming draft.
Stage 5/6 will be the last stage for Free Agency bidding. Be sure to take a look at your negotiations, signings and league signings to see who is still available, who decided to sign with someone else and who accepted your offer.
Saturday Feb 23, Stage 7 will be the last stage for rookie scouting so be sure to scout wisely. Then on Tuesday Feb 26 the first 2K OLF Draft will begin, once the draft begins you will be able to trade draft picks, you can trade to move up in the draft and you can also trade to move down. Once you are on the clock you will have 2 minutes to make your selection. You will be able to make your picks two different way, via the xbox 360 and through the maddencareer.com web site, we’re unsure if there is an option to set your draft picks in case you cannot make it yourself, if you think you will not be able to make your choice due to work or family please let the commissioner know ahead of time.

In stage 9 you will be able to review your rookie signings and the of the league’s rookie signings. 24 hours after stage 9, pre-season will begin. So there you have it for now, any updates to the schedule will be announce here on 2kolf.com and if you have any questions please be sure to leave them in the comments section below.
Madden 13 – Offseason Schedule
Mon Feb 11 8PM PST: Stage 1 – Player Resigning
Thursday Feb 14: Stage 2 – Free Agency Bidding
Sunday Feb 17: Stage 3/4 – Rookie Scouting, Free Agency Bidding
Wednesday Feb 20: Stage 5/6 – Rookie Scouting, Free Agency Bidding
Saturday Feb 23: Stage 7 – Rookie Scouting
*Tuesday Feb 26: Stage 8 – 2K OLF Draft Begins, Free Agency Recap
Sunday March 3rd: Stage 9 – View Rookie Signings
Sunday March 4th: Pre-Season Week 1 Begins
*subject to change