The 2K Online Franchise draft will be heal on Sunday August 25th at 5:00PM PST/ 8:00PM EST time. Since Madden 25 on the Playstation 4 won’t be out until November 15th and not everyone is getting it at launch, the league will stay on Madden 13 one more season. The league will go to Madden 25 on the Playstation 4 in February 2014, following 2K Online Franchise Super Bowl 3.
This will be the first time that the league has done two drafts in one single version of Madden. The draft will also be broadcast live here on 2kolf.com and on our new twitch.tv/2kolf channel following the conclusion of 2K OLF Super Bowl 2.
If you are not able to make it be sure to set your auto picks to let the CPU pick players you need rather then having the risk of the CPU selecting something you don’t really need.